July 8 2010
Read Jude 1:21,23, Psalm 128
Are You Blessable?
“I will bless those who have humble and contrite hearts, who tremble at my word. But those who choose their own ways, delighting in their sins, are cursed. Their offerings will not be accepted.” Isaiah 66:2
You would think that we would learn from the history of the children of Israel. Time and time again God rescued, delivered, restored and blessed them, and every time they fell back into idol worship and ignoring God to their peril.
Today, we expect God to bless us in spite of our indifference and disobedience….in spite of our putting other gods before him, and willfully ignoring Him.
Thankfully, God is longsuffering, patient, and kind. He longs to bring us into that abiding relationship where He can be our friend, answer our prayers, make us fruitful, give us joy, and let us know His love and be aware of the love of others. God really does long to bless us!
We don’t have to be rocket scientists to figure out some simple keys to being blessable.
First of all, obedience brings blessings. All of the old covenants were based on this principle, and this principle holds true today.
Think of the consequences of some of the disobedience in your life and the lives of those around you. We will never know the blessings of God to their fullest if we insist on willfully disobeying God and ignoring the calls of the Holy Spirit to contrition and repentance.
We learn from Scripture that we are blessable when we are meek, when we mourn, when we hunger and thirst for righteousness, when we are persecuted for the cause of Christ, when we are merciful, when we seek to promote peace, and when we have a clean heart.
We are blessable when we endure temptation and persevere through times of testing, when we are generous, compassionate and kind. Father, by the power of Your Spirit, help me to be blessable. In Jesus' Name, Amen
Taken from www.Homilygrits.com
May they be Blessed for their efforts!
You be Blessed today - Chris Spears!
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