Federal Withholding Taxes
“I tell you, use your worldly resources to benefit others and make friends. In this way, your generosity stores up a reward for you in heaven.” Luke 16:9 NLT
The genius who started the withholding of income and payroll taxes in 1943 deserves a spot in the bureaucratic hall of fame, if there is one. Before this bright idea came along during World War II, people just blithely ignored filing returns and paying taxes. This innovation revolutionized our government.
Although God will not withhold any good thing from those who do right, Scripture is very clear that He does withhold some rewards until we get to heaven. He says that those who pray in public, and those who do good works in public in order to get praise from men are going to get only that. However, those who do these things in secret will get rewards from God.
We could learn a lot about storing up treasures in heaven from the governments payroll deduction idea. Instead of putting it into the bank or spending it on, wood, hay, and stubble that has no lasting value, we should think about making regular deposits of our time, talents, and treasures into God’s bank account. This will assure that we don’t get overcome by greed or destroyed by selfishness.
We should never give to get or get the idea that we can earn our way to heaven. Heaven is a free gift that we cannot buy or earn. We receive eternal life by God’s grace. We should always give in gratitude for this marvelous gift God has given us.
The rewards that God promises when we give has nothing to do with where we are going, but may have a lot to do with what we will be doing when we get there. How much is in your
heavenly withholding account?
Father, may my heart yearn to hear Your “well done,” and may my offerings of my life be acceptable to You. Jesus’ name, Amen.
Chris Spears
Ocala Florida
(message by: Homily Grits Ministries )
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