The Gong Show
“Through the Lord’s mercies we are not consumed, because His compassions fail not.” Lamentations 3:22 NLT
There was a short-lived TV show in the 70’s where contestants would be allowed to perform until getting “gonged”and cut off at anytime. Most of the contestants were pretty terrible and deserved to get the gong, but it was actually kind of cruel to try to entertain us at the expense of the inept performances of others.
In many ways, life in this world is kind of like the gong show. Some of our loftiest dreams and highest ambitions often get “gonged.”
Athletic abilities some times get gonged by injury. Dreams of becoming a doctor or an astronaut often get gonged by the lack of money for training, lack of ability, or lack of talent.
Some marriages end up with one partner getting gonged by the other for any number of reasons.
All of us have or will have experienced the gong of failure in some manner or another during the course of our lives. We may get gonged financially, relationally, physically, or mentally sometimes in spite of our best efforts, often as consequences of our worst efforts.
Many times we get gonged by circumstances over which we have absolutely no control.
The good news is that these gongs are not fatal, that God can (and often does) turn what we perceive to be bad to good. His promises to never forsake us, to supply our every need, and to provide His all-sufficient grace to cover our weaknesses and failures are promises that can never be gonged.
He promises to gong the devil himself and cause him to flee when we stand firm and resist with the full armor of God.
Father, thank you for teaching, strengthening, and drawing me closer to You through the “gongs” of my life. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Have a great week!!!!
Chris Spears
Ocala Florida
(passage donated by Homily Grits Ministries)
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